Theresa May says Trump told her about "Sue the US." in Brexit Talks


Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday revealed the advice that President Trump had given her on how to negotiate Britain's withdrawal from the European Union: Go directly to court.

May was interviewed by the BBC on Mr. Trump's comments in an interview in the British tabloid The Sun and later at a press conference at Checkers, the premier residence in the northwest of London

. Ms. May said:

Her comments would likely be seen as a step backward against Mr. Trump, who criticized him for ignoring his suggestion and whose interview in The Sun embarrassed the Prime Minister, just as she unrolled the red carpet for her working visit to England that she hoped to showcase the strength of the transatlantic links.

At the press conference, Mr. Trump, without revealing how he had counseled Ms. May, she said that she had seemed to consider her suggestion as too "brutal".

Some supporters of the withdrawal, known as Brexit, criticized Ms. May as not being tough enough in her talks with the bloc, and Mr. Trump's remarks seemed to support them.

When questioned by the investigator visibly surprised to repeat her account of Mr. Trump's opinion, Ms. May did: "Sue the EU," she said with a smile, "do not "No, no, we are entering into negotiations with them."

May gave no further details about the type of legal case that he had in head and practical help that such an intervention would bring when a tense negotiation on Brexit was not clear immediately.

Last week, Ms. May published details of an agreement her firm concluded on the operation of the post-Brexit trade, which led to the resignation of two senior ministers, including Boris Johnson. , who was resigning as Foreign Secretary, saying the plan would not deliver Brexit.

While he was still at his post, Mr. Johnson adversely compared Ms. May's bargaining style to that of Mr. Trump. And in The Sun's interview, Mr. Trump suggested that Mr. Johnson, a rival of May's Conservative Party, would make a great prime minister.

On Sunday, Ms. May seemed to suggest that Mr. Trump's advice had not been completely consistent. "Interesting, what the president also said at this press conference was," Do not leave, "she told the BBC. [ad_2]
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