They made a copy of the SIM card, they released hundreds of thousands. The bouquet of szajka prowling in Poland


At least several people in Poland have been victims of criminals operating under the same system. Who will make a copy of the SIM card, based on fake documents, then get the data for online banking and bring out all the money.

Lost all money

The last of these case types, which is described by, seems to be particularly important. An injured couple in the incident lost a lot of money.

After checking the account, I will confirm that my account will spend all our money on two express transfers. Really big. Several hundred thousand

– explains the victim.

SIM Card Failed

A victim of an attack discovered by a mBank employee who would notify you of any clean up. The algorithms used by the banks make it possible to detect unusual operations. Leaving several hundred thousand transfers in a short period of time was considered suspicious.

Operations were confirmed however using standard SMS codes. Meanwhile, the injured woman, forty minutes before the money is withdrawn, has recorded the failure of her SIM card – her phone will stop working.

After the theft of the police and the complaint to mBank, the injured couple went to the operator's lounge when the SIM card still does not work. While making a duplicate pair, it was reported that a copy of the card had already been made. Forty minutes before withdrawing the money.

It turns out that anyone who uses a fake document will appear in the physical living room of the operator. Make a duplicate card statement and receive it.

The map is not all

The owners had to have not only phone cards but also a username and password for electronic banking. For the moment, we do not know how they came into their possession. The game includes classic variants such as phishing (spoofing the identity of a bank), a keylogger (a physical tool or software that records all the signs typed on a keyboard), an attack using an infected computer by a virus.

The money saved

In this case, the wounded can talk about great happiness. The mechanisms of the Polish banks and the money were stopped at the last minute. They were already on the account at BO Bank and they were transferred to the Bitcoin estate. The transfer, however, will stop. The complaint was recognized and the funds returned to the injured party's account.

More casualties

In the same way the money lost more people. The detector will determine at least seven cash withdrawal cases by means of a duplicate SIM card, transfer them to the bank account of the bank and enter the bitcoin bank.

Customers of other banks are in danger

At the beginning of the year, there is still one more incident of this type. The customer BZ WBK was injured. In this case, the duplicate SIM card was obtained by fattening a notary public.

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The obtaining of a duplicate of the SIM card is one of the most feared attack methods. That's why it's worth protecting access to electronic banking. Ignore the security problem – use pirated software, answer suspicious chips, install applications outside the Google store – as you can see with a huge risk.


Dominika Nowak: Sometimes only mad and crazy courage, you can start working [NEXT TIME]

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