Thibaut Courtois and Eden Hazard leave London with Chelsea?


There are many indications that Chelsea will face a cadre revolution before the new season. This week Antonio Conte was dismissed and replaced by Maurizio Sarri. The Blues have also been joined by Napoli Jorginho, a former midfielder. However, this is not the end of the turnover, as its two biggest stars, Eden Hazard and Thibaut Courtois, are seriously considering leaving Chelsea.

On Saturday, Hazard explicitly stated that he was considering leaving Chelsea and that everyone knows what he wants. A day later, the British media ran around Courtois's words. – I will come back to the club to see what they expect from me and how they will express it. I think that after the World Cup, what was on the table is different from what I can have. During the World Cup, I ignored all the rumors, but in the next few days, I will talk to my agent and see what Chelsea told him. I feel happy in this club and I do not say I want to leave, "said Thibaut Courtois.

In December, the club wanted to give him an increase and propose a new contract that would guarantee a salary of 200,000 pounds a week. At that time, the Belgian did not sign this agreement. It was a wise decision on his part, because now if the club wants to keep it, he will have to offer him a much more attractive deal.

It is not said, however, that Chelsea will fight as much for Courtois as for Hazard. For some time it has been said that the Stamford Bridge Club is interested in Allison. If a Brazilian could be brought, he would be more willing to consider serious offers for a Belgian keeper.

The Courtois contract ends next year and it 's the last bell for the London club to make money on Belgium. – I do not think that someone with my qualifications will be kept on the bench, even if I do not sign a new contract. But maybe that will be possible, because I love London – he said indecisive to the Belgian keeper, quoted by The Telegraph.

Interestingly, Courtois also referred to the words of Eden Hazard, who said that it was time to change the environment. Most often, his name is associated with Real Madrid. "Wherever I go, Eden must be there," he said about his teammate, suggesting that they will continue to play in a club next season. Question, in what?

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