This Wrocław citizen is poisoned with his son in the games room. He was already suspected of kidnapping a child – Gazeta Wrocławska


  1. This Wrocław citizen is poisoned with his son in the games room. He was already suspected of having abducted Gazeta Wrocławska
  2. Tragedy in the playroom. The father and his 4 year old son are dead. Unofficially: he was poisoned and poisoned the child.
  3. Warsaw. Father poisoned his son and himself at the games room? Prosecutor's office investigates Radio ZET
  4. Tragedy in the playroom. The mother warned repeatedly that the father of a 4 year old could be dangerous
  5. He's poisoned with his son in the playroom. Previously, he had hung pictures of children throughout Warsaw.
  6. All content from the Google News app
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