Three militants killed while Israel strikes Gaza in a new outbreak


Gaza (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – Israeli strikes on Wednesday killed three Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip in a new surge of violence despite a ceasefire agreement negotiated by the United Nations

. The strikes targeting Islamist leaders in Gaza were in retaliation for firing at his soldiers along the border on Wednesday.

The last bloodshed took place five days after the UN and Egypt had negotiated an agreement to stop the violence. The two men were killed in strikes east of the city of Gaza, said the Health Ministry in Gaza

In a statement, the Hamas military wing hailed them as his Shejaiya fighters. Israeli forces reported carrying out artillery strikes against seven Hamas-owned military targets

. A short while ago, terrorists shot (Israeli) soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip, "said an Israeli army statement, without specifying the injuries suffered by the troops. Hamas Terrorist. "

A Hamas spokesman said in a statement that the group" would not give up its duty to defend and protect our people and respond to aggression "[19659007]. After the Israeli strikes, sirens sounded near the Israeli city of Ashkelon near Gaza, according to the Israeli army.

No rockets from Gaza were immediately confirmed, which usually triggers sirens. Israeli media reported that Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman had called an emergency meeting of army generals to discuss the situation.

Border fire was the second such incident The Israeli army said: "A Palestinian gunman in Gaza fired on IDF troops under the blanket of 20 children who were sent to the border fence as a lure ".

On Friday, an Israeli soldier was shot down the border, unleashing a violent wave of bombings in Gaza.

It was the first time that an Israeli soldier was killed in or around Gaza since the 2014 war between Hamas and the Jewish state and was raising fears of a new confrontation.

The violence ended Friday after Egypt and the United Nations helped broker a tense ceasefire.

Since then, the truce has continued, although young Palestinians continue to attach incendiary devices to kites. According to Israeli authorities, kites have caused hundreds of fires in Israel in recent months

Israeli politicians have called for harsher measures against those who launched kites and balloons. Israeli army said that the Israeli army and Hamas had waged three wars since 2008.

Tensions have increased since the Palestinians began demonstrating along the Gaza border in late March, with Israeli forces. He has killed more than 150 people since then clashes and demonstrations.

Israel has maintained a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, which it considers necessary to isolate Hamas.

Critics say this is tantamount to punishing the two million inhabitants. and feeds poverty and radicalization.

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