
Fig. Michal WARGIN / Eastern News
Mesko produces, among others The supervisory board of Spka Mesko has decided to appoint a new chairman of the board of directors. On July 27, Tomasz Stawiski will take over.
The Polish Armaments Group informed the decision of the group, in which Mesko enters. "Tomasz Stawiski will obtain the highest number of points of all the candidates participating in the qualification procedure conducted by the supervisory board of Mesko." The new president will resume the mandate of the previous council "- reads in the communication of the group
except that he will be born in Ostrowiec, witokrzyskie.The portal echodnia.eu says that his journalists have unofficially succeeded in establishing that Stawiski is associated with Michał Dworczyk, currently head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and former Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Defense
Tomasz Stawiski will be the governor of Mesko on July 27. At that time, Gabriel Nowina Konopka will be sole head of the company head
Mesko is a company based in Skryka Kamienna and has been manufacturing mainly munitions and weapons since 1922. Its best-known product is the GROM anti-aircraft rocket [19659005] In the fifties, the company employs up to 22 thousand osb.
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