Treasury sanctions An air service provider based in Malaysia for links with Iran


The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department on Monday sanctioned a general sales agent (GSA) based in Malaysia for collaborating and acting on behalf of the Iranian government Mahan Air. "[19659002MahanAiralsojointlyfundedwithmilanism

Mahan Travel and Tourism Sdn Bhd, based in Malaysia, was sanctioned for" permitting Mahan Air's international operations, particularly for carrying out financial transactions on behalf of the company. "As of Monday, all property and interests of Mahan Travel and Tourism Sdn Bhd located in US jurisdiction were blocked in accordance with US law.

Washington previously sanctioned Mahan Air for allegedly transporting "members" of the Revolutionary Guards Corps Islamic Republic of Iran (IRGC), in addition to transporting weapons and equipment to Syria.The United States also sanctioned Caspian Air, Meraj Air, Pouya Air and Dena Airways – all Iranian airlines, two of which transported weapons, fighters and money to Iranian prosecutors in Syria and Lebanon [1965] 9004] known as the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution or Sepah is a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces founded after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 with the ousting of the last Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran

The IRGC has been ingested in Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, the Palestinian territories and Turkey to wreak havoc in the Middle East region since coming to power.

Breitbart News "Short chronology" of terrorism sponsored by the IRGC since 1979.

Also in October, President Donald Trump authorized the Treasury Department to sanction the IRGC as a terrorist organization By Decree 13224 of the En announcing the new sanctions, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said: "Mahan Air is the airline of choice for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Force, facilitating its support for terrorism in the Middle East. through the Middle East. "

Adds: "The regular routes ofMahanverslaSyriesareprovidedbyassessingtheAssadeteagainstarmsoftheCombatantsinEuropeanandanactivistsassessingviolenceandtroublesinthe" Mnuchinaréitéréque "region of the United States Government [that] companies that continue to serve Mahan planes, or that facilitate Mahan flights within and outside European airports. , from the Middle East and Asia, are warned that they are at great financial risk. "

brought a series of sanctions against Iran recently. Last month, the United States threatened to punish countries that continue to buy Iranian oil after November 4.

"We consider this to be one of our top national security priorities." is a political and national security journalist for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter .

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