Tropical Storm Chris predicts a stronger hurricane Tuesday off the Carolinian coast


Off the coast of the Carolinas, tropical storm Chris is on the verge of becoming the second hurricane of the Atlantic Ocean in 2018.

While increasing in strength, the storm should stay far enough off the coast that its wind and rain avoid the Mid-Atlantic coast. But it will generate dangerous rip currents on the beaches of the region, from Ocean City to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

60 mph racing winds, Chris is positioned 215 miles south- south of Cape Hatteras, NC gradual intensification is planned two days, and the National Hurricane Center predicts that Chris will reach hurricane strength Tuesday at 8:00 am

The storm should remain more or less stationary for 24 hours before heading north -Tuesday to Wednesday By Friday, it should be centered just off the coast of Newfoundland. As it encounters colder waters, it should begin to weaken on Wednesday until Thursday

until the direction of the atmosphere takes Chris, the waves and dangerous waves are the most disturbing in the nearby coastal areas. "It is expected that the swells generated by Chris will increase and affect portions of the coastlines of North Carolina and the central Atlantic littoral states over the next few days," said the National Hurricane Center. "These waves can cause dangerous surf and power conditions."

The National Weather Service warns of the risk of leakage current from the Delaware-Maryland border to the central coast of South Carolina. hurricane, it would be the second this month – a relatively rare event in July. In fact, it's been 10 years since there were two hurricanes in July in the Atlantic. On average, the third named storm forms on August 14 and the second hurricane on August 29, so Chris keeps the season's activity well above normal.

Apart from Chris, the only other prospect of a tropical storm in the Atlantic is the climate disruption, which was, at one point, Hurricane Beryl. The Hurricane Center said Beryl was simply a remaining disturbance on Sunday as it weakened under the force of tropical depressions. However, some models indicate that Beryl's remains will encounter a more favorable mid-week environment near the Bahamas and that it could regenerate.

The Hurricane Center says that the former Beryl has a 40% chance of becoming a tropical depression again in the next five days. Meanwhile, it produces heavy thunderstorms and showers on the Leeward Islands of the north and Puerto Rico.

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