Trudeau Cabinet Redesigns Government of Canada to Address Trade Concerns


OTTAWA – Canadian Prime Minister

Justin Trudeau

On Wednesday, he shook his cabinet to prioritize the diversification of trade in the uncertainty surrounding the North American Free Trade Agreement and prepare the Liberal government for next year's elections. while the Conservative Party is making huge gains. Named Trudeau

Jim Carr,

former Minister of Resources, as Minister responsible for the diversification of international trade. Mr. Carr is considered highly valued by Mr. Trudeau's inner circle and has ties to Canada's business community.

"We need to diversify our markets. We need to make sure that we are not so dependent on the United States, "Trudeau told reporters after a swearing-in ceremony for new ministers" The diversification of our trade is a huge responsibility for this government, and we take it seriously. "

Canadian governments signed a pact to liberalize trade with Europe in 2016, although the agreement has been provisionally in effect since September, in question with the new populist government of Italy signaling that it will not ratify the agreement.Canada also signed this year a modified version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Pact, which includes 11 major economies of the Pacific Basin. [19659004] "We must ensure that the benefits of these trade agreements are felt by citizens …" What we focus on in this cabinet renewal, "said Mr. Trudeau


Chrystia Freeland,

the Minister of Foreign Affairs and responsible for trade negotiations and NAFTA of the United States; and

Bill Morneau,

the Minister of Finance stays in place.

Eric Miller,

A member of the Woodrow Wilson Institute in Washington, DC, said that the decision to give Carr responsibility for trade diversification suggests that the Liberal government was ill at ease with Trump Administration on Commerce

. how the government is not really confident that Nafta will be finished in the foreseeable future. And even if it is, the atmosphere with the United States is such that the government must redouble its efforts to diversify trade, "said Miller

. Party for the last year of his term, and an election that could be based on how Trudeau deals with trade issues with the Trump administration. Polls reveal Trudeau-led Liberals and Conservative Party are in statistical stalemate

After an unusually long honeymoon with voters, the Liberal Party's fortunes disappeared in 2018. Polls indicate public discontent to Mr. Trudeau's priorities. general dissatisfaction with financial matters, such as taxes and the cost of living, and the immigration system.

Liberals cheered last month as voters join Trudeau

Donald Trump

after the Group of Seven summit in Quebec City

This bump could be short-lived,

Darrell Bricker,

The President of the Ipsos Polling Firm

"Ultimately, the government will be held accountable for the results, and if the NAFTA issue seems to be unresolved, Canadians will wonder why it is not the case. If US tariffs begin to cause job losses or economic disruption, the government will be held to account, "he said.

Trudeau also brought a change to deal with the influx of asylum seekers who have crossed the border to enter Canada from the United States, an issue that has preoccupied his government for over a year.

Bill Blair,

a former Toronto police chief has been appointed to a new ministerial position focused on border security and the fight against organized crime.

Although the flow of asylum seekers has slowed in recent months, the large number of people who have already entered the country has put increasing pressure on the refugee determination system in Canada and has overwhelmed the refuges in some cities

Writing to Paul Vieira at [email protected]

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