Trump Inserts Himself Into Brexit Debate, Criticizing Theresa May


LONDON – President Trump on Thursday intervened directly in the European Union, saying that Prime Minister Theresa May's plans to keep the economy close to the bloc could "kill" a possible trade deal with the United States.

In an interview with The Sun, Mr. Trump also said that Mrs.

"I would have done it a lot differently," Mr. Trump was quoted as saying. I actually told Theresa May how to do it, but she did not listen to me. "Instead she went" the opposite way, "and the results were very unfortunate," he said.

Mr. Trump also said that Boris Johnson, a hard-liner Brexit who resigned from Mrs. May's government this week, would make "a great prime minister."

Mrs. The United States and the United States of America have argued that the United States is an "opportunity" for deepen trans-Atlantic and the United States. British deserves a comment that Mr. Trump's visit would help that process.

May 's Conservative Party, following the publication on Thursday of the government' s plan for exiting the bloc, which would keep the European Union rules on goods and agricultural products.

Even before it was released on a white paper on Thursday, that proposal Mr. Johnson, the President of the United States of America, Mr. Johnson, the President of the United States of America.

he might be in contact with him during the presidential visit to Britain, which began on Thursday and is scheduled to end on Sunday.

Mrs. May be new to the European Union is Britain's biggest trading partner. But Mr. Trump came to the fore with the question of who, by keeping many of the European Union's economic rules, it would inevitably reduce the scope for a separate trade deal with the United States.

"If they do that , then their trade deal with the US, will probably not be made "[Trump said, according to the paper.]

The comments are acutely sensitive because supporters of Brexit argue that one of the key advantages of quitting the European Union would

When he resigned on Monday Mr. Johnson made a fierce attack on Mrs. May's strategy for Brexit saying "dream is dying, suffocated by needless self doubt".

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