Trump jokes after Macron speaks French: "It sounded beautiful, I do not know what he said"


President Donald Trump Donald John TrumpEx-FBI attorney will not attend an interview with House lawmakers joked on Wednesday with French President Emmanuel Macron in front of reporters during their meeting at the NATO summit in Brussels

After his French counterpart issued a statement to the press in French, Trump joked that he had no idea what Macron had said, but that he had "rung big."

"He looked handsome, I have no idea what he said, but he seemed great," Trump told reporters laugh in the room

J & # 39; I reminded everyone that almost a year ago you were present with your wife in Paris for July 14, "Macron replied in English with a smile."

"We have been working together for 12 months now, and we have continued to work together," added the French president

. The two leaders have developed a fairly close relationship, but have clashed in recent months over tariffs imposed by the United States on products of the European Union. 19659004] A phone call between the two men last month "was terrible," according to a CNN source, Macron issuing harsh criticism of Trump's policies on trade and immigration issues

. "One source told CNN." Macron thought that he would be able to say what he thought, but Trump could not stand being criticized like that. "

During the conference, Wednesday 's press, Macron was interviewed by reporters to find out if he agreed with earlier Trump' s reviews of the NATO alliance, including the news. Germany's gas pipeline agreement with Russia, which according to Trump has made the nation a "captive" of the government of Vladimir Putin

"I'm glad they asked you for it" Laughing, Macron once again rejected Trump's criticism of the organization, which was a point of contention between the Trump administration and the European allies

"We work together," he said. said, s, id) {
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