Trump: "Phony witch" led corner between the United States, Russia


President Trump Donald John TrumpSasse: Trump should not honor Putin with the Helsinki summit The LGBT group is projecting a message on the presidential palace in Helsinki before the Trump-Putin Hillary Clinton summit before the Putin's top: "Do you know which team you play for?" More Monday night special advocate blamed Robert Mueller Robert Swan MuellerSasse: The United States should applaud Mueller's choice to lead Russia's investigation into the interference of Russian elections to lead a "corner" between Washington and Moscow.

"It's a gap between us and Russia," Trump told Sean Fox News Hannity in his first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland early in the day, "Maybe we just turned this corner over."

Trump has elicited broad criticism – including Republican so – Monday casting doubt on the Russian interference in the 2016 elections at a press conference alongside Putin after their meeting. The Russian president has repeatedly denied interfering in elections, which he reiterated on Monday.

Trump has always mocked Mueller's investigation, which involves examining whether there was a coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow, as a "witch hunt." On Monday, Trump doubled this criticism. Russia

"It's a phony witch hunt, a rigged market," Trump told Hannity. The president also said that Putin described as "shame" the impact of the Russian investigation on US-Russian relations during its closed session.

"It's a sad thing," Trump said. "It's a very sad thing for our country to see this."

Trump aroused wide indignation on Monday when he refused to denounce Russian interference in the 2016 elections – a ruling by the US intelligence community.

"They said that they thought it was Russia, I have President Putin, he just said it was not Russia," Trump said. at the joint press conference with Putin.

"I will say this: I see no reason to do so," continued the president. "So, I have great confidence in my intelligence, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

Remarks prompted a statement by the director of National Intelligence Dan Coats [19659014] Daniel (Dan) Ray CoatsTop Democrats request a meeting with the chief of intelligence on sharing classified information Night of the Defense: NATO summit fallout tense | Senators push to block ZTE case in defense bill | The NSA removes dozens of call records on "technical irregularities" MORE describing the evaluation of the intelligence community as being "clear" and "fact-based."

Trump later clarifies his remarks amid repercussions, writing on Twitter, "As I have said today and several times before, I have great confidence in my people's intelligence However, I also recognize that to build a better future, we can not focus exclusively on the past.

Trump's face-to-face meeting with Putin came days after Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking the Democratic National Committee and state electoral systems as part of the campaign. effort of electoral interference.

In the interview with Hannity, Trump reiterated the offer of the Russian government on Monday that Mueller can "come and work" with Russian officials on the investigation.

"They probably do not want to," Trump acknowledged. (function (d, s, id) {
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