Trump, Putin and Nord Stream II


Today, in Helsinki (Finland), US President Donald Trump will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. After the two-day NATO summit that took place last Thursday and last Friday, almost all Washington's opinion magazines in Berlin, Paris and London are pressed by Trump's advisers on topics to face face to face with Putin. These are the most important questions, that is to say the ones that most often resemble the world media: Syria, Iran and the Middle East, Ukraine, terrorism, migration and, of course, denuclearization.

In turn, the turboliberals like Washington Post, Huffington Post or The Economist have positioned themselves as the devil's advocate whispering what Putin would like to get from Trump. And again in the most repeated order … it would be: recognition of the Assad regime in Syria, approval of the annexation of Crimea by Russia by the United States or even withdrawal of US troops from Central and Eastern Europe …

Amazingly nowhere anywhere …) In the context of the scope of the conversation, Trump-Putin does not take the key word in European politics – Nord Stream II. However, by the will of US President Donald Trump, the German-Russian gas pipeline on the seabed of the Baltic may become a dispute

Trump could tell Putin that in the coming weeks he will impose sanctions on Western companies co-financing the construction of this gas pipeline … the implementation of this investment. Why? To warn Putin against irresponsible reactions and actions that could have serious and far-reaching consequences.

President Trump's recent speeches at the NATO summit and during the visit to the United Kingdom call for such a scenario and such a hierarchy of objectives. In a nutshell, Trump will be a very hard judge in the case and will speak with Putin, but may not be in the spotlight and under the watchful eye of the cameras.

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