Trump to visit the UK, meet with Prime Minister May, Queen Elizabeth



Donald Trump

The goal of the operation will be to "strengthen and nurture" US relations with Britain during its visit to London next week, during which leaders will discuss national security and security issues. a bilateral trade agreement, said Friday a US official. the president probably knows this country better than any president in recent history "

Woody Johnson

told reporters in an information call on Friday. He praised relations between the two countries and said he was "as strong now as he has ever been."

Trump will travel to London on Thursday after leaving the two-day summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels. That evening, the British Prime Minister

Theresa May

will welcome the president and the first lady

Melania Trump

for a black tie gala dinner at Blenheim Palace. On Friday, Trump and May will visit a defense site before heading to Checkers, the prime minister's home town outside London. Mr. Trump will then travel to Windsor Castle to meet Queen Elizabeth II

. Trump, who canceled previous talks about a visit to the UK due to concerns about the level of protesters in London, is expected to travel primarily by helicopter, rather than a motorcade. Johnson said the president would "use different modes of transportation," but that traveling to the planned sites "will need to be in the air for a part of it."

Asked if the president was trying to avoid the protesters, Johnson said, "The president is avoiding anything.The president is just trying to get a trip as hard as he can get it. be in a period of 24 hours. "

Trump-days visit before he meets with Russian President

Vladimir Poutine

in Helsinki, Finland, in the midst of growing tensions between the United Kingdom and Russia following the collapse of two British nationals who were exposed to the same Soviet neurotoxic agent that poisoned a former double agent and his daughter more early this year. The UK spokesman on Thursday called on the Kremlin to provide further clues about the March attack – which Britain blamed Russia, but Moscow denied – to help the authorities. the United Kingdom to ensure the safety of citizens.

Johnson said the president was "on the same page" with the UK regarding poisoning, after which the United States reinforced the sanctions against Russia. He said the two leaders would discuss "the question of the relationship with Russia".

Trump and Ms. May had a sometimes tense relationship during the first 18 months of her presidency. In January, Mr Trump abruptly canceled a planned visit to London because he was not satisfied with the agreement reached by the United States to relocate his embassy in the city

. May publicly reprimanded Mr. Trump, including his commercial program, and the two engaged in a


Last year, Ms. May said that he was wrong to share an anti-Islam video posted by an anti-immigrant group. Mr. Trump replied, "Do not focus on me, focus on the destructive radical Islamic terrorism in the UK. We are doing very well! "

On Friday, Johnson reiterated the president's interest in a bilateral trade agreement with the UK, and Ms. May also expressed her interest in such an agreement, but any deal can not be reached until The United Kingdom is withdrawing from the EU, expected in early 2019.

"He is really ready to intervene as soon as we get the green light to do it," said Johnson. [19659004] Next Friday night, Mr. Trump will leave for Scotland, where Mr. Johnson said he would spend the weekend preparing for the meeting with Mr. Putin.Mr Trump has two golf courses in Scotland

Asked if Mr. Trump would play golf in Scotland, Mr. Johnson stated that the President's schedule was still planned

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