Trump was ready to impose duties on imports from China worth $ 500 billion


US President Donald Trump said Friday in an interview for CNBC television that he was ready to impose tariffs on imported goods worth $ 500 billion.

The sanctions are effective: Pyongyang must continue to negotiate with the United States. GDP has not been recorded in communist Korea since the catastrophic famine of 1997. This time, the worst is in the industry. He …

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Trump said that the United States is "massively deficit" in trade with the PRC and is willing to impose additional duties on Chinese products worth $ 500 billion a year, and therefore almost all Chinese exports to the United States

Asked about the likely decline in stock markets in the event that the United States imposes duties on such a large scale, the president replied: "If that happens, it will happen ". He added that "he does not do it for politics, (…) but he does what is good for the country". Meanwhile, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow blames Chinese President Xi Jinping for not progressing in US-China trade talks and warns President Trump " would not forgive ". Axios.

– The problem lies in Xi. He does not want to give in (in commercial matters). The Chinese have not offered the United States (…) options regarding the theft (intellectual property) and technology transfer – said Thursday Kudlow in an interview with Axios

the door by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce Gao Feng. the head of the PRC, which he blocked the negotiations of the two countries in search of a trade settlement, is shocking and false.

At the beginning of July, the first batch of criminal rights came into force for Chinese imports of US $ 34 billion a year, and Chinese retaliation fees of a similar magnitude. The Chinese Commerce Department has described it as the outbreak of the biggest trade war in the history of the economy. Trump threatens other fees if Beijing does not abandon dishonest business practices. Beijing maintains that he would like to avoid the escalation of the conflict, but if he succeeds, he will firmly defend his interests.


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