Trump's harsh words for Merkel and May raise questions about her relationship with female leaders


President Trump spent much of his trip to Europe this week attacking two of the world's most powerful women.

Dams targeting British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel prompted diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic to ask why a president who values ​​his "great chemistry" with world leaders seems to be doing hands and feet to harm two powerful allies.

Both leaders are in precarious positions politically. to bring together weak coalitions and keep power. Trump's critics, followed by his exaggerated eulogy for them as friends, only complicate their positions.

The most recent attack comes on Thursday night when Trump told the British newspaper The Sun that May had ignored his advice on Britain. exit from the European Union, jeopardizing a bilateral trade agreement with the United States. The question is particularly tense as May struggles to assemble a fragile coalition

"I told Theresa May how to do it, but she did not agree," says Trump about from her exit notice from EU "She did not listen to me." He then suggested that one of his main conservative rivals would make a "big prime minister."

Standing in May at a press conference on Friday, Trump changed his tone – describing May as an "incredible woman" doing a "fantastic job" and claiming that the British tabloid did not quote his more positive remarks about the Prime Minister.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Trump make a statement to the press after a bilateral meeting on the backstage of the NATO summit in Brussels on Wednesday. (Brendan Smialowski / AFP / Getty Images)

Mai has been careful not to praise or criticize Trump, who is very unpopular in the UK. But Trump has filled the void. "I'm doing a good job," he said.

Trump's tense relations with Merkel and May are rooted in real political disagreements over issues such as trade, defense spending, and immigration. Trump says May "does a wonderful job" after criticizing him in an interview]

But other analysts have noted that the two leaders were less willing than others, as French President Emmanuel Macron or Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. to answer his ego. "I think it's a lot more about their approach to it," said Danielle Pletka, the vice president of foreign policy at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "Both have been conflicting with him and this is not a good way to handle Donald Trump in my opinion."

Then there was a third explanation touted by several European diplomats last week: their gender. Trump was particularly quick to congratulate his strongmen, from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he is due to meet in Helsinki on Monday.

President Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May attend a joint press conference on Friday at Checkers in Aylesbury, Great Britain. (Chris Ratcliffe / Pool / Epa-Efe / Rex / Shutterstock / Chris Ratcliffe / Pool / Epa-Efe / Rex / Shutterstock)

"Everyone has noted that Trump has been particularly hard on the two leaders of the female world" , said official.

Added a second European official: "He has been increasingly anti-EU He does not care about allies, but he has a particular problem with Merkel and May – who are women."

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that Trump had a good relationship with both women. She noted that in Brussels Trump gave Merkel "a big hug, kissed both her cheeks and announced to everyone that he loves her."

His assessment of Germany on Friday was less than enthusiastic: "It's a very sad situation".

At a press conference Friday in May and Thursday night at a dinner at Blenheim Palace, Trump lavished compliments on the British leader. Shortly after leaving the palace, Trump's interview with The Sun landed. "May destroyed Brexit … the American case is on hold," the tabloid said.

Before his arrival in London, Trump claimed Merkel as "captive to Russia", citing his reliance on Russian natural gas. His remarks drew a cutaway replica of the Chancellor. "I myself knew part of Germany that was controlled by the Soviet Union," she said. "I am very happy today that we are united in freedom in the Federal Republic of Germany."

At the root of Trump's testamentous relationship with May and Merkel are Trump's growing anger over trade deficits.

"Trump is obsessed with trading and blames Merkel – in my opinion wrongly – for the US-EU trade deficit," said Kristin Silverberg, a former United States Ambassador to the European Union during Bush administration.

Trump frequently complains to Merkel and his aides about EU business practices that favor the German auto industry to the detriment of the United States.

His frustration at the US Regarding the Russian issue of natural gas is also ongoing for months. "Putin has taken by the bullets with this gas pipe," complained Trump earlier this year, according to Two senior White House officials who heard this remark.At the time, Trump was concerned that Merkel would not pursue the plan to expel Russian diplomats and alleged spies for poisoning. a former Russian spy and his daughter on British soil [1 9659024]. "A hard cookie."

Meanwhile, Trump's conversations with May are rarely user-friendly or easy. A former May special advisor, who was present for calls and meetings with Trump, said the US president often began his talks by encouraging the rapid withdrawal of the European Union from the European Union. to the counselor. "When are you going?"

Brexit is one of the most complex political issues facing May, and her insistence on a gradual or "soft" withdrawal recently led to the resignation of two of her most prominent members, Boris Johnson. , who was his Minister of Foreign Affairs, and David Davis, who was his secretary of Brexit.

Beyond these profound disagreements, stylistic differences contributed to Trump's tensions with Merkel and May. Trump seldom follows the talking points provided by staff in his conversations with world leaders. During the first May lunch at the White House, he praised the large crowd of political supporters who would come to Washington this weekend for an anti-abortion march. The comments disarmed many of May's councilors.

Trump praised May for his "wonderful" courses and golf courses in the UK and complained about his relationship with Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish prime minister who he said had Treaty "It was like pinning Jello to the wall," said the British official of the Discourse Talks

Merkel, said a German official, tried to persuade Trump with detailed information, especially about the trade. German officials relied instead on conversations with others in Trump 's cabinet.

The two women, however, sought peace with Trump. May delivered a rare reprimand from Trump in November to retweet an inflammatory and anti-immigrant video of a far-right political group in the UK. Since then, she told the counselors that she would find a way to work with him – no matter what.

"She said," He does things in an interesting way and it just has to work, "says the British official.

James McAuley in Paris contributed to this report.

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