Trusted profile. The Ministry of Finance warns against fraudulent SMS


The Department of Digitalization warns against fake SMS messages suggesting the possibility of performing a financial transaction with the help of Secure Profile service. "This type of information does not come from system administrators, but from fraudsters," department officials said in the message posted on the website.

At the same time, the ministry asked to ignore this type of information. "The messages contain a link that can be dangerous," he added.

Fraud on a trusted profile

Mr. Maciej Kawecki, director of the Data Management Department of the Department of Digitization, became convinced that the cheater offensive persists.

"I received a message a few moments ago – do not answer, do not click on the link, do not answer, it's a new cheat attempt.Nobody can apply for a loan with the 39; use of Trusted Profile "- he wrote Monday on Twitter, displaying content received messages.

"Trusted Profile – Your order for a cash loan in the amount of 20,000 PLN has been accepted.The money will be paid within 60 minutes.Possibility to cancel the order via Internet "- we read in an SMS (original spelling).

False bank site

As the first on suspicious messages, he wrote the industry portal.

As stated in the article, after clicking on the link sent by the cheats, we will be transferred to the false page of the profile of confidence, where we will have the choice to connect so-called via a profile of confidence or electronic banking.

The first option however does not work – as pointed out the portal of the industry – the connection via a fake bank website is no problem.

"In this way, the criminals get the user name and the password, then the SMS code sent by the bank, thanks to which, as we suppose, set the victim's account of the" trusted recipient " "and … say goodbye," we read.

This is not the first fraud with the use of a trusted profile. The Ministry of Digitalization also reported fake emails in early November.

What is a trusted profile?

Trusted Profile is a free electronic signature for an Internet user who wants to do business via the ePUAP platform without having to go to the office.

It allows you to adjust certain things without having to leave your home, for example, applying for a benefit in the Family 500 plus program or applying for an identity card or driver's license. With this you can also check the status of the penalty points.

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