Trzaskowski announces high-pressure policy – Polityka – all about politics in


Wednesday in Warsaw, the convention of local autonomy of the presidential candidates and vice-president of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski and Paweł Rabieja took place. They also participated, including Sejm Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska Vice-President, Marcin Kierwinski and Michał Szczerba Deputies, and Warsaw Head of Modern Structures Sławomir Potapowicz

Trzaskowski announced at the convention. the fight against lies and manipulation by PiS politicians. through his competitor to Patryk Jaki, the capital's town hall. The defeat of PiS in Warsaw will be a failure of the political method we have been observing for three years. This will be the beginning of their end "- said the politician -" Here in Warsaw we will take the first step and we will not feel helpless. The first step that will restore our influence on what is happening in Poland and – of course – in our city – it adds

the time of a pressing policy, the time to reclaim the space we give to politicians – said Trzaskowski. According to him, Warsaw should be managed from the street level and by an independent man, not – as he puts it – "from the apartment in Żoliborz or Nowogrodzka Street by the governor of President PiS."

According to Trzaskowski, credibility is the most important thing in politics. . How reliable is the Deputy Minister of Justice, who attacks independent courts to ensure justice only to his colleagues? A minister who, by his extreme ineptitude, destroys the reputation of our country and endangers our security ? – asked the politician to point out his competitor, Patryk Jakiego, who is the deputy head of the Ministry of Justice

It is important to know if today the 6 subway stations with additional rolling stock will cost 4 or 8 billion PLN – said Trzaskowski. It is important to know whether there are 3,000 places in nurseries in Warsaw or around 8,000 in Warsaw. It is important to know whether the construction of a thousand new municipal apartments will cost 135 million zlotys or 220 million zlotys. It is really very important to use truth, facts and not myths and false data in the campaign – he stressed

We must take the first step to find the language of debate. We let the language be used to those who use it to challenge people to share it: some call the leftists, the second – and call themselves a good change – says Trzaskowski

Candidate Warsaw Vice – President Paweł Rabiej spoke of three elements of the electoral program which he believes are particularly important. The first of them is the question of connecting different environments. We do not want Warsaw to be divided, split, quarreled. We want to cooperate on the issues in which we must communicate for the benefit of the residents, we will do it [1945900] he said

Security is the second priority of the candidates PO and Nowoczesna. The streets of Warsaw must be safe for children eight and eighty years old, for cyclists, drivers and pedestrians. But it's not just about the security we want. Everyone must feel safe in Warsaw, no one has the right to be attacked, attacked or shot, verbally or physically – by any means – said Rabiej

Warsaw, a city ​​which saw the thick smoke of the burned ghetto, which was turned into ruin after the Warsaw uprising, such a city can not accept contempt and hatred towards anyone – the candidate for the vice president has declared

The third subject of which Rabiej speaks is the freedom of culture and education. The galleries and theaters, colleges and schools of Warsaw are an arena of free culture, creativity and freedom of expression, an arena of modern education. We will take care of it – he stressed. He promised to attach particular importance to the funding of educational activities, including extracurricular activities, which will "bridge the gap between what the government teaches and what is needed in a modern school."

We will take care of students of theaters and artistic initiatives in Warsaw. they could post pieces as controversial as "The Curse" – he added. In his opinion, Warsaw in its history has experienced slavery enough to allow today the censorship "of Nowogrodzka or Toruń."

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