Tusk still hates Kaczynski. The rest of the truth is near Smolensk


King, President, Caliph, Pharaoh of Europe in one and the same person still remembers Poland and assured that if only Jaroslaw Kaczynski wants to become president, he, for patriotic reasons, will not will not hesitate for a moment and report his candidacy. It was supposed to be a courageous statement, and she came out as usual, or leaped into panic. After all, Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that the candidate of Law and Justice will be Andrzej Duda in the next election, from which the rumor of a rusty scrap, claiming to be a sword, is only the result from a thought of revenge mingled with hatred

similar to the submission of a bid by a notorious alcoholic to the vacant position of the head of the center of sobering. The friends of the glass would probably vote for him with all their strength, but sober rest is not enough. Tusk could not stand it and he wanted to belittle the position of the PiS leader again. That in the event, he, the caliph of our time, look and will not allow. This hate disease began when the presidential elections with Lech Kaczyński were lost and would last until the caliph's political death. The same hatred pushed Tusk into Putin's arms in 2010, as the first cause of the Smolensk tragedy was the satanic mutual regimes of Russian satrapy and the Polish prime minister of the time, whose aim was to To prevent the Polish President from participating in the joint celebrations. The price of this elimination was to be an ever better relationship between Russia and Poland. Has there ever been a substitute for this improvement? Never. Putin treated Tusk as a political shit, knowing very well that a chance of ignoring Lech Kaczyński would be enough to betray the interests of the nation.

The Netherlands now announce that all investigators involved in explaining the fall of the plane are constantly being monitored by Russian services. Including installation in the rooms of the hotel and their mounting in mobile phones. The Kremlin knew almost all the movements of the Dutch investigators. Can we assume that in the case of the Smolensk disaster, it was different? Especially as the Polish investigation was almost exclusively about the acceptance of Russian lies.

Hate always makes a man a beast. We can only speak of the degree of bestiality. Donald Tusk will probably have the opportunity to show his attitude to Jarosław Kaczyński. But in any case, the rest of the truth about this relationship will be in Smolensk.

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