TVN used the work of the artist without his consent and "rewarded" by a blockade on Facebook


TVN in one of his columns used the work of the artist "Rynn rysuje" without asking him anything. The artist has made some of the material available on his Facebook. He now informs that Facebook has blocked his account because TVN has reported claims.

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In September, the topic "Is your house really Polish?" Has been published in "Dzień Dobry TVN". Filip Chajzer refers to the work of the artist "Rynn Rysuje".

The TV channel did not ask the author if he could use the work. The work has fled, against the will of the artist, a closed group for his fans.

After the publication of the column, the author decided to add a fragment of it to his Facebook account. She has now announced that her account has been stuck for three days because TVN had reported it.

"In the nonsense of today: Facebook is blocking my account for 3 days, because TVN has reported this fragment, Dzień Dobry TVN, that I threw on my profile.Yes, the one in which Philip Chajzer talks about me and my drawing, which DDTVN used without asking on their Instagram "- wrote" Rynn "from the backup account of his group.

"Dzień Dobry TVN" informed on Facebook that she was in constant contact with the artist. "Dear viewers, we would like to inform you that we are in constant contact with Rynn and we agree with her on the terms of future cooperation.The author has already received an appropriate apology for the situation and, according to the information we received from Facebook, its access to the fanpage should be restored soon "- it was written.

The drawer however emphasizes that "I did not say sorry" and that nothing more "about the conditions of cooperation".

"(…) Neither the word" sorry "nor anything else regarding the terms of the cooperation has been said;) In any case, I do not know if I would like to cooperate with them, probably not. Always have Bana. "- She wrote about her band" Rynn ".


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