"TVP provocateur" – the opposition diffuses another false news


He was hailed as a Ukrainian provocateur paid by TVP. Vyacheslav Skidan has become the object of fierce attacks from supporters of the opposition only because he is similar to the one who was very aggressive during protests on Thursday in front of the palace Warsaw presidential election. It turned out that the aggressive young man, whom the police are looking for, is not Mr. Skidan. This was confirmed even by a lawyer cooperating with the opposition. Unfortunately, supporters of the opposition and spokesman of the Civic Platform Jan Grabiec have brought the hand to the false news

Police: During the demonstration someone used gas against officers [19659003] – During the police intervention Someone used gas. In relation to the security threat for police officers, one of the …

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Thursday night, opponents of changes in the judicial system demonstrated in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw. They criticized Andrzej Duda's signing of amendments to the laws, including the Supreme Court, the judiciary, the National Council of Magistracy and the Public Prosecutor's Office. During the demonstration, a series of incidents occurred which forced the police intervention. Protesters who marked obscene slogans on the building were identified by police officers. At that time, the crowd of demonstrators surrounded the agents intervening

. As revealed by the police, during this intervention, there was, among other things, insults from KSP officers. The police were also spat, pushed and kicked. One of the protesters behaved particularly aggressively, whose behavior can be seen on the recording released on TVP. Then, probably one of the protesters, he used pepper spray, spraying a "cloud" in the crowd. In response, one of the police also used a flamethrower.

The question of the use of gas has been presented by opposition politicians as "abuse of power, power and power ", even if it was very fast It is known that the police use gas launchers that fire on a stream and that most victims have suffered a" cloud "due to the blaster probably used by one of the protesters.

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