TVP tape generator closed, television plans to sue the author


Page started working early in the second week of July 2018 – it could only be used for a few days.

"TVP stripe generator" first came under pressure from Internet users – the hosting parameters were not sufficient to handle such traffic (tens of thousands of "stripes" were generated). We managed to restore its functioning, however, the weekend July 14-15, 2018 completely disappeared from the network.

TVP considers legal action against the creator of "Strap Generator"

As reported by Wirtualne Media, it may be related to the work of Telewizja Polska's legal department who studies whether the site violated the intellectual property of the sender.

The Possibilities of Violation of the Personal Rights of the Presenters and the Illegal Use of the TVP Logo are Analyzed

The "TVP Tape Generator" allowed to place its own inscription on the frame of "Wiadomości" Internet users can choose which of the presenters of the information program will transmit their text – Michał Adamczyk, Danuta Holecka, Antoni Trzmiel or Krzysztof Ziemiec.

In the site description we read that the author is not responsible for the content created by users. The creator of the site posted a link for the voluntary transfer of financial support .

For a comment on this, we asked the spokesperson TVP

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