Two earthquakes hit Surrey in 10 hours


Two earthquakes have hit Surrey in the space of 10 hours – just a fortnight after the …

Wednesday's first earthquake struck Newdigate, near Dorking, at 4.59am, and was was measured at 1.7 -magnitude at a depth of 1km.

At 2.33pm, the British Geological Society (BGS) recorded a second wave of seismic activity, close to the same place.

In a tweet, the BGS said: "This is

 A BGS graph shows the seismic activity in the Dorking area
] A BGS graph shows the seismic activity in the Dorking area

"Magnitude of 2-3 is suggested, but we'll get back to it."

BGS: "The noise is a weak thud but the house shook for a second or two."

The two earthquakes come soon aft There was an earthquake on June 27 followed by another on June 29

The President of the Mole Valley Geological Society told Sky News that despite the large number of earthquakes in Surrey, he has yet to feel the effects of one.

Professor Richard Selley was away from the area for some of the previous events, but did not notice the small magnitude events at home.

He said: "I have experienced volcanoes erupting, but I am really not an earthquake – perhaps I am "

He said the spate in Surrey

Prof. Selley added:" We have records of some in the North Downs, but these were back in the 12th century. We do not know where the epicenter of them was.

"People are saying that they are the answer to the problem, but this is nothing to do with hydraulic fracturing."

"It is exciting when the magnitude

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