Tyga is divided by the common cover of Kylie and Travis. "His heart is broken"


  Tyga is divided by the common cover of Kylie and Travis.

Among the members of the Kardashian family, there is probably no greater offense than being "unnoticed". Each of the girls Kris Jenner must lead a celebrity life and it seems that everyone – except their brother, Rob – loves to be on a candlestick

Since Kylie Jenner grew up, she became "equal" to Kardashianka and now she is building her own most recognizable family-based career in the world. It's hard to believe that the girl is only 20 years old – Kylie has already become one of the richest young millionaires, eagerly covering Forbes and giving up the mouths of filling. Now, Jenner can add another to his hit list – the celebrity was on the cover of the magazine GQ with the father of his child, Travis Scott.

See: Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott discuss the difficulties of parenthood on the first common cover (FOTO)

Thanks to the little Stormi Travis will be part of the Kardashian family forever, but there is little it was predicted that the rapper rangs, will Tyga . It's by her side that Kylie had to "discover her femininity", and she even bought him a car in his love of affection. Scott's turned out to be better gear for a family member – maybe because he bought him a luxury car instead of him : Kylie Jenner got a car of Travis Scott for 4.8 MILLION ZLOTY

Today, Tyga has something to regret and apparently does not hide behind. It is said that the rapper is depressed with the blanket GQ, on which Travis kisses his ex-girlfriend:

His heart is broken, his heart is broken. She can not watch Travis hug her – source Rack City

Did he really like it that way?

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