U.N. chief demands end to Nicaragua violence, hundreds protests Ortega


SAN JOSE (Reuters) – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that groups linked to Nicaragua's government were using "unacceptable" lethal force against citizens, and urged an end to violence at least 275 people in months of protests.

FILE PHOTO: A Secretary General Antonio Guterres speaks during his visit to the United Nations School in San Jose, Costa Rica July 16, 2018. REUTERS / Juan Carlos Ulate / File Photo

In the Nicaraguan capital, Managua, hundreds President Daniel Ortega, after 12 more people were killed over the weekend.

"It's obvious that there is a shocking number of deaths and unacceptable," Guterres told a news conference in neighboring Costa Rica.

"It's essential to immediately halt the violence and rebuild national political dialogue. Only a political solution is acceptable, "Guterres added, speaking at the 40th anniversary of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

At least 275 people have died since they broke up in April, according to the CENIDH Nicaraguan Rights Group, when they tried to pay pensions. The government later dropped the plan, but its heavy-handed response to demonstrations sparked a wider protest against Ortega's rule.

The attacks have drawn international condemnation of Ortega, to train Marxist guerrilla leader facing his biggest test in office since he returned to power in 2007.

Ortega says he is open to dialogue, and has invited the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to be verified in the country.

A demonstrator throws a homemade device during the service of Jose Esteban Sevilla Medina, who died during clashes with pro-government supporters in Monimbo, Nicaragua July 16, 2018.REUTERS / Oswaldo Rivas

Violence surged again over the weekend when armed groups and police loyal to Ortega burst of the protests and smashed roadblocks set up in defiance of the government.

In a statement on Monday, the U.S. State Department called on Ortega's government to heed Nicaraguans' call for democratic relief immediately and hold elections.

The United States has a visa in the United States of America.

Relatives of victims of violence on the main streets of Managua on Monday with their coffins, demanding justice for the dead.

"The population has not given up because it's still in the streets demanding freedom," said Carlos Tünnermann, a member of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, one of the leading civilian groups leading the opposition to Ortega.

The opposition has called on Ortega to step down and hold early elections.

Reporting by Alvaro Murillo in San Jose; Additional reporting by Oswaldo Rivas in Managua and Eric Walsh in Washington; Writing by Dave Graham and Daina Beth Solomon; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien and Peter Cooney

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