Uber exempts 100 employees from the autonomous car department


Exemptions included the Uber Department dealing with the work on autonomous car technology in both US cities. The decision was taken at the meeting which, according to Cnet, took place on 11 July. The reductions will primarily affect employees who have performed tasks related to the supervision of autonomous vehicles.

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Uber plans to replace the dismissed employees with new recruits, who will serve a similar function, but will be better trained and will contribute to the development of autonomous cars by also sending comments to the Development team. "- Cnet signals.

The company stated that laid-off employees can also apply for admission in connection with the creation of 55 new jobs. Their applications must be considered in the special priority mode. Uber spokesman also announced that the company "remains committed to the development of safe autonomous driving technology" and "hopes to return to public roads in the coming months".

Uber autonomous car tests had previously been suspended in the US state of Arizona, where 300 company employees were also fired in May. The site believes that this is related to the fatal accident that occurred with the Uber autonomous car in March. At that time, a pedestrian killed by a vehicle died and, according to experts' suggestions, an accident could have been avoided.


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