Ultra-bright green comet approaching the Sun


The space object reaches its destination around August 16, as suggested by astronomers. It is not known how the object during a collision with the sun – destroyed or will receive a powerful impetus to continue the journey.

  comльтраяркая комета приближается к Солнцу

The ultra-bright green comet PanSTARRS, named "The Incredible Hulk". "Near the Sun quite quickly, and in a few hours has become brighter already by 1600 percent." Astronomers noted that the object detected was in 2017, but now counted, the diameter of the gas cloud and dust around from him, which rose to 260 thousand kilometers.

While the trajectory of the comet allowed scientists to calculate date of arrival in the sun, but the situation may change.In mid-August will be known, will cease if "the incredible Hulk" steal or continue unharmed.


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