UN: Russia and China oppose the suspension of oil deliveries to North Korea


Russia and China have blocked the UN Security Council's decision to suspend oil deliveries to North Korea, as demand the United States accuses Pyongyang of exceeding the limit of imports of raw materials.

On July 12, the United States accused North Korea of ​​violating UN sanctions and exceeding the limit of oil imports and sent documents to the UN Security Council to

On Thursday, Russia's representation at the United Nations informed Council members that it "carefully examines the US request and requests additional information on any illegal + oil transfer". Russia's position and its claims supported China

Reuters recalls that President Donald Trump had promised to help Russia negotiate with Pyongyang, but he did not explain what this aid would mean [19659005]. North Korea has committed an illegal transfer of oil between ships. "According to our information, between January 1 and May 30 this year, ships carrying petroleum and petroleum products illegally acquired from one ship to the other are transferred at least 89 times to the northern ports. Korean ".

The US administration believes that sales and any transfer of oil to North Korea should be stopped immediately.

According to the sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council in December 2017, North Korea could bring in 500,000 tons of barrels of oil annually. According to US data, more than 1.3 million barrels of oil could be delivered on 89 ships, nearly three times the limit for 2018.

In December 2017, the United Nations Security Council tightened Unanimously the sanctions imposed on Pyongyang. with the regime's nuclear program. Among other things, the export of coal, iron, lead, textiles and seafood was prohibited. The limit of oil and petroleum imports was also imposed on North Korea

In March of this year, the UN blacklisted dozens of ships and shipping companies. (PAP)

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