Unchanged interest rates. It's been 40 months


  Professor Adam Glapiński chairs the NBP
Fig. Jacek Dominski / Reporter

Adam Glapiński, President of the National Bank of Poland

There is no reason to expect a more pronounced increase or decrease in interest rates. interest in banks. The rates set by the Monetary Policy Council have not changed again. He is not worried about repaying loans

This is the fortieth month in a row where the main interest rate at the National Bank of Poland is at a record level of 1 , 5%. This condition has been maintained since March 2015. The interest rate on deposits at the central bank is only 0.5%, and loans (Lombard rate) – 2.5%

These values ​​s & # 39 apply to commercial banks depositing funds at the NBP or lend money as needed. However, this has a direct impact on the supply for customers. Maintaining current levels of interest rates means that loan payments are expected to remain relatively low. At the same time, economizers will not win more

The decision announced Wednesday afternoon is not a surprise to economists.

– Since the last meeting on the part of the real economy, little has changed. Inflation is reflected on the basis of rising oil prices, but otherwise the inflationary pressure is not visible. Konrad Białas, analyst at TMS Brokers

The expert indicates that during the conference, President Glapiński could be questioned about the recent weakening of the zloty and about the intention of the NBP to do what whether it's about it. However, he doubts that the central bank intends to intervene in the market mechanisms.

"Potentially significant changes in macroeconomic projections, that is, reducing the trajectory of inflation and increasing economic growth, will not change – at least until the end of 2019 "- believe the economists of PKO BP.

Read more: Loan monthly payments will increase. UOKiK appeals to banks for a fixed interest rate

It is mainly the borrower who counts interest rate hikes over time. The large differences in payments may depend on the MPC's decision, can be seen in the comparison of the current situation and 2012, when interest rates reached almost 5%

Open Finance calculations show that the family made a loan in early 2012 300,000 PLN and is committed to repaying it within 30 years, she paid monthly installments of about 2 thousand. zł. After the last interest rate cut by the Monetary Policy Council in 2015, the payment of such a loan fell below 1 400 PLN. Since then, little has changed

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