Under the Pacific Ocean, Poland is waiting for wealth. But we need help … Russia



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Poland has a chance to quickly extract precious metals from the bottom of the ocean. However, not from the Atlantic. Poland has had a large dam for more than 30 years at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Well researched, rich, among others in copper, it waits for the beginning of the extraction. It requires a compromise in an exotic company … and an agreement with Russia.


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– The community of interests forces you to put aside a lot of things to be able to do something. And nothing unites the vision of the money earned collectively – indicates the prospects for extracting precious metals from the Pacific Rim, said Mariusz Orion Jdrysek, deputy minister of the Environment.

"Our" hole is 3,000 km west of northern Mexico. During the eighties of the last century, we carried out a reconnaissance and research mission in the Clarion-Clipperton zone for polymetallic concretions. It turned out that a lot there, including copper.

However, the costs required to start mining were too high for Poland alone. It is the idea to call a consortium to which still belong the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Cuba and Russia.

– In retrospect, this is an exotic combination. It is now necessary to take joint decisions. Including the increase of deposits. If you reach a compromise in this area, it may take some time – adds Deputy Minister Jdrysek.

The Ministry of Environment has announced that in this area, the mines will start in five or six years. However, a lot depends on the success of a research trip.

– I'm sure we'll open a cash there, there is none. We rely on the knowledge and results obtained by the neighboring owners of our villa. We are optimistic – say in the "Rzdowa awa" program of Gwny Geolog Kraju.

Adam Sierak

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