Unemployment in October. GUS data


The unemployment rate in October 2018 was 5.7%, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) said Tuesday. This means keeping unemployment at the level of September.

Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics are in line with the forecasts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for the beginning of November.

unemployment he did not grow, he stayed at the level of the previous month. We end October with a reading of the unemployment rate of 5.7%. Slightly, but still in the unemployment records of the labor offices of the poviat, the number of unemployed is decreasing – said Elbieta Rafalska, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Affairs, at a press conference.

The analysts surveyed by PAP have estimated, before the publication of GUS, that the unemployment rate had dropped to 5.6% last month.

Number of unemployed

Data released Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that the number of registered unemployed in the employment offices was 937,300. Compared with 947,400 PLN people a month ago.

In turn, the number of new unemployed registered in October decreased by 14.2%. from 149,500 to

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