Unexploded bomb at Gdynia Główna station! Major delays of SKM trains – News


  Photo of article: Unexploded bomb at Gdynia Główna station! Significant delays of SKM trains
SKM Trójmiasto; Wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA 3.0

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Unexploded bomb at the station Gdynia Główna! Main delays of SKM trains

On Friday afternoon (13 July), unexploded ordnance was found at Gdynia Główna station. The trains of Szybka Kolej Miejska (Urban Rapid Rail) operate on a track with considerable delays

The official message of SKM Trójmiasto Facebook was published at 16:30:

"A shuttle movement was introduced to Gdynia Główna. Honor tickets on ZKM Gdynia buses. "

At 17:12 the information has been updated. – After obtaining the approval of the police chief Gdynia Śródmieście, we open the way 502. The SKM trains will be operated pendulum on an open track and long distance tracks. Please listen to the information provided by the megaphonists. There may be delays of approximately 30 minutes until the ammunition is removed,

According to the attached photos, it appears that the unexploded ordnance is near the ammunition. tract. It will be removed by the sapper unit. The area is secured by the police. We wish all passengers a lot of patience and security to reach the destination.

A moment of inattention costs us life. See this video:

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