UOKiK: 5 million zlotys for GetBack and 20,000 euros PLN for Vex


GetBack will not increase? Fig. Marek Wiśniewski

GetBack will not increase? Fig. Marek Wiśniewski "Puls Biznesu" / JOURNALIST

As we read in the release, the OPCC has received complaints regarding two debt collection companies in Wroclaw – GetBack and Vex. "As the OCCP procedures show, debt collection by companies has not always been in accordance with the law," he wrote.

"The fine for GetBack amounted to more than 5 million zlotys, while for Vex it amounted to 20,000 zlotys.The two decisions are not legally binding" – says the communicated.

UOKiK announced that "the lawsuits against GetBack's debt collection practices began at the end of 2016. Doubts at the Office prompted ten practices related to debt collection, and GetBack resorted to coercion and at the press because he was sending out many SMS and called debtors' accounts receivable, although no proceedings had been pending. "

"The board has questioned the fact that GetBack has repeatedly sued the same consumer, and the collection agent has added court costs to the debt even though the case has not been settled. the consumer was opposed to the payment decision or waived it, therefore the consumer was misled as to the amount of the debt, "he said.

The communication adds that the UOKiK president's reservations also stemmed from the fact that the company was using the names of his department: ombudsman for debt rights or debtors' rights office, which suggested that it was 39, was an independent institution helping consumers.

"The lawsuits against Vex were opened in November 2016 following complaints from people who felt intimidated by the activities of this company," reads the statement.

UOKiK stated that "Vex contacts neighbors, family, employers and village leaders without the consent of the debtor". In addition, by contacting debtors, the company does not provide them with complete information about the amount of debt, nor does it clearly identify the late repayment contractor. The consumer does not know if, in what quantity and to whom he is indebted. "

"To force consumers to pay their debts, Vex is putting pressure on them, which is an unacceptable aggressive market practice, using different methods of sending SMS and e-mails to consumers, threatening to make a late visit. until 9:45 pm, also Christmas Eve or Holy Saturday "- said the Bureau.

The president of the OCCP, quoted in the statement, Marek Niechciał stressed that "the debts must be sought, but that the rights of the consumers must not be violated, nor their private life and their dignity". – Each visit to the debtor must take place with his consent. It is not possible, without this consent, to imitate someone on Christmas Eve or Holy Saturday, as announced by Vex employees – he said.

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