UOKiK checks prices for Orlen. Intervention of the deputies


The question of low prices in railway stations was raised by PO Zofia Czernow and Aldona Młyńczak. They pointed out, quoting the experts, that in early October the prices of diesel for sale were lower than those of the wholesale trade.

"One of the potential causes of this phenomenon is the possible imposition of a price ceiling by the oil companies belonging to the Treasury: Grupa Lotos and Orlen PKN." In this context, it is added that the following mechanism could be used: Grupa Lotos and PKN Orlen have decided to pay more In order to maintain the assumed price level, avoid price increases and at the same time, as dominant market players, influence the other players in the fuel sector on the market who will adopt similar prices, "MEPs wrote.

Simple ways to save fuel. If you use them, high prices in railway stations are not dangerous

In response to the inquiry, Tomasz Dąbrowski, Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy, reported on UOKiK's prosecutions in this case. "Regarding suspicions of fuel market irregularities in October this year, UOKiK announced that a preliminary analysis of wholesale and retail prices proposed by PKN Orlen SA was under way to determine if the practice of reducing margins and lasting effect results in exclusion "- reads it.

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