UOKiK initiated proceedings against Suedzucker Polska (short) –


Suedzucker Polska is one of the four sugar producers present in Poland, operating in the south of the country, where other sugar companies do not have their factories. Proceedings were opened under the law on contractual advantage

"This law allows UOKiK to intervene in a situation where a person does not have a dominant position, but is very important to its partners or partners ". Our contract analysis showed that the trader can use his trading advantage against sugar beet suppliers. The doubts of the Office were raised by unclear pricing rules and too long payment terms "- added the chairman of UOKiK. Percent. Turnover of the trader, reached the previous year The procedure can also be completed without financial penalties.The Office may waive the penalty if the contractor voluntarily undertakes to put an end to illegal practices or to remedy their consequences (PAP)

author: Łukasz Pawłowski

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