US officials prepare to review strategy in Afghanistan: report


U.S. Officials are preparing for a re-examination of US military strategy in Afghanistan after the Trump administration will not have made any significant progress against the Taliban in 2017.

Several US officials told Reuters that the White House has not yet formally ordered "We have received indications from the White House that Trump could request a review in the coming months, so we are preparing for what it would give," a senior official told Reuters unidentified American.

Another senior official confirmed that the President had repeatedly expressed his concern about the lack of military progress. the forces hope to frame the militants in the peace talks with the Afghan government.

Donald Trump McConnell Meets Trump's Supreme Court Choice Tuesday Kavanaugh Offers Long Judicial Record Before Bitter Confirmation Battle Hundreds Protest Kavanaugh's Appointment Supreme Court Concerns MORE also flow the enormous cost of the 17-year war, which exceeded $ 1 trillion

"The President has repeatedly asked what progress we have made in Afghanistan since, he made his decision, and how much we have invested there since 2001, "said the senior official.

"He expressed his frustration about the lack of p"

During a visit to the country on Monday, the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Michael (Mike) Richard Pompeo In-House Defense: Trump Downgrades North Korean Gangster Comments, Blames China | Pompeo Supports Taliban Peace Talks in Surprise Visit | Pompeo Supports Taliban Peace Talks During World War II a surprise visit to Afghanistan Trump: China could exert a "negative pressure" on North Korea PLUS defended the current US strategy and pledged continued support of the administration to Afghanistan "The president's strategy is working well: our strategy for South Asia sends a clear message to the Afghan people and their security services: we will support them as they continue to fight to defend their country and their country. their people ", Pompeo" The strategy has sent a clear message also to the Taliban – they can not wait for us – and we are starting to see the results both on the battlefield where the Taliban momentum is slowing down and in the prospects of peace with them. "

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