V Congress of Gdanskers. A family photo of the citizens of Gdańsk has been made. Find yourself on the pictures!


Nigel Kennedy's Concert with Cappella Gedanensis, Baltic Sailing, Traveling Museum in Gdańsk or Family Picture of the Gdansk People? This year, the fifth edition of the Gdańskers World Congress has not let anyone get bored. The mass affirmation of our Gdańskness will last until Sunday.

– These are special summaries of the achievements of Gdańsk and its inhabitants during the congress period. We started 16 years ago, talking about plans and dreams.

We are proud of the projects that were only projects at the first Gdansker World Congress, and today they are an integral part of the landscape of Gdansk – announced the gala Friday "Gdańsk: Yesterday, Today Tomorrow, Maciej Buczkowski, director of the office of the president of the city. The Academy of Fine Arts of outstanding personalities was distributed The Medals of the Century of Independence were impressive.

Gala, however, was only a prelude to the festival of identity in the spirit of marine culture, which will last until Sunday and has already captured the city. In addition to the traditional prayer for the residents of Gdańsk at the cemetery of non-existent cemeteries, a scientific debate on identity issues at the Wybrzeże Theater (both events took place on Friday) or family photos of Gdańsk residents at Długi Targ (Saturday at 12). other events.

Saturday, in the hours of the fortress Wisłoujście, the staging of the battle – the Swedish attack on the Polish fleet in 1628 was played, and at 20 in the center of the Saint. Jana's unusual concert will play Nigel Kennedy and Cappella Gedanensis.

The unique cultural centers also await the Green Bridge (literature), on the place of Świętopełk (design), Rycerska (Filmowy Gdańsk) or Ołowianka (center of the Baltic Sailing with cruises, visit units and sites). It is worth paying attention to the sailboat Baltic Sail Gdańsk – the largest international sailing event in Gdańsk, which will last until Sunday, and before the scheduled on Motław to 15 spectacular parade of sailboats, the same day punctually at 13 all City lovers will be able to participate in the unveiling of the Gdańsk monument at the owostowicki cemetery.

The full program of the event is available here: The 5th Gdanskers World Congress 6-8 July 2018. What are the prepared attractions? [program]

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