Vacation leave – Poles want changes in the labor code. Holidays will be longer? 26 days are not enough for us [19.06.2019]


Holidays – depending on the length of service – last between 20 and 26 days of vacation per year. To get the most vacation days, you must be proud of a 10 year internship. It is true that the internships are included in the internship, but the Poles are not satisfied with what is proposed by the Labor Code. 26 days a year are not enough for many Polish employees. This is the result of the survey conducted by the editorial staff of

It turns out that even 2/3 of Poles dream of longer holidays during the year. 26 days off are certainly not enough for us. Government officials have already begun to tempt voters by increasing the number of holidays.

Let should be longer!

The study on vacation leave was conducted for Wirtualna Polska and What does it result?

  • 64% of employees surveyed feel that there is too little or not enough days off;
  • 6% of respondents believe that 26 days of guaranteed leave, that is too much;
  • 30% of respondents do not know if the holidays are too much or too little.

Do respondents feel that the government should increase the number of days of annual leave?

  • 64% think that the government should increase the number of days off;
  • 16% of respondents are opposed;
  • 20% of respondents do not know what the government should do.

The research was conducted for Wirtualna Polska for the Ariadna panel on a representative sample of 1,034 people over 18 years old.

Such holidays can disappoint. Expectations versus real …

Will PiS change the rules on annual leave? Code of work to change? recalls that the right to annual leave is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. A Polish employee must benefit from an annual, paid and continuous break in the provision of work.

Jeremi Mordasewicz, chief economist of the Lewiatan Confederation for Prawo i Sprawiedliwość realizes without a doubt that in the field of holidays, you can always promise something. The results are not surprising. We know very well that Poles work more hours per week than their colleagues from other countries of Western Europe. This does not mean, however, that it is time to debate the extension of leave. It is too early because they are still in pursuit of the West.

It is interesting to note that, according to the OECD, Poles still have long holidays, compared to other European Union countries. However, some countries can boast of having longer holidays. Austrians have 30 days off a year (this is a rarity for employees who can avail of a 25-year work experience).

How much holiday time do you need to be? Here are 13 facts about the URL …

During his current term, PiS has already commented on the possible increase in the vacation of its employees. However, an increase in the number of holidays and not holidays has been taken into account. Stanisław Szwed, Deputy Minister for Family, Labor and Social Affairs during the Good Friday debate, said the authorities were considering such a solution.

Stanisław Szwed in response to the parliamentary question: During the holidays, the activity of consumers in the industries related to free time increases – tourism, leisure or gastronomy.

Extending holiday leave to 35 days means that the party is together:


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