Valuation 2019 and maternity pensions "Mama 4 plus". Minister Rafalska announces deadlines


Elżbieta Rafalska

Author: Mateusz Grochocki / East News
Elżbieta Rafalska

Valuation of pensions and pensions 2019 and maternal pensions under the "Mama 4 plus" program – these are the two most important changes to pensions in Poland. The head of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Affairs has publicly announced the dates of entry into force of both projects. According to Minister Elżbieta Rafalska, the date of indexation of pensions and pensions 2019 is not threatened.

Valuation of Pensions and Pensions 2019
Will the government of Mateusz Morawiecki be able to index the pensions and pensions announced for next March? Tuesday's "Gazeta Wyborcza" reported that The ZUS needs more time to prepare the computer system because the increases for the elderly will be delayed.

– I firmly and categorically deny the information recently released by some media that the date of indexation of pension benefits in 2019 was threatened in any way – said Rafałska in a statement sent to the PAP.

Minister Rafalska added that "as in previous years and in 2019, the valuation will be carried out from 1 March 2019."

Recall that the indexation of pensions proposed in 2019 will consist of bringing the lowest benefits to 1,100 zlotys in the case of the lowest pensions and disability pensions due to a total incapacity for work. . In turn, the lowest pension for partial incapacity for work must be raised to 825 PLN. The new mechanism predicts that retirees will receive a minimum increase of PLN 70.

The program "Mama 4 plus"
In the middle of this month, the head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy explained that the law on so-called maternity pensions will not come into effect from January 2019, as previously assumed.
And all this because of too many comments submitted at the consultation stage and he will not be able to do it through all stages of the legislative process.

Rafalska has now given a new date for the entry into force of maternity pensions. – We believe that the so-called Maternity Pensions Act will come into effect on March 1, 2019 – the minister told TVP Info on Wednesday.

Who will the "Mama 4 plus" program be directed to? Benefit will be granted to persons who have given birth and have raised or raised at least four children and who have not acquired the right to a retirement pension or whose pension paid by the pension institution is less than at the lowest pension. Mothers who have reached the retirement age of 60 and fathers after 65 will be able to apply for money.

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