Valuation of pensions. The government wants to change the rules. The poorest will benefit


  ZUS is to add more to those who receive low benefits
Fig. Michal Walczak / Agencja Gazeta

The social insurance institution needs to infuse more with those who receive low benefits

The government wants to add to poor retirees before the local elections. He is preparing changes in the indexation of pensions

these are the results of the Wednesday "Gazeta Wyborcza". As we read, the most supporters in the government of Mateusz Morawiecki have an idea to value pensions and pensions for all so-called level of inflation, but only the poorest in addition to wage growth real.

Read also: The valuation of pensions is a disappointment for seniors. For large purchases, they usually do not have enough

Today, all seniors get the same percentage of valuation. In March of this year, it rose to 2.9%. Next year, Elżbieta Rafalska, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, is expected to reach 3.26%

. A rigid increase in benefits with the same percentage for everyone means that if anyone One has a high pension,

See also: The highest pensions in Poland

As the newspaper writes, in the state, the cash register for pensions must be the same as now, but will simply be shared differently. If the changes came into effect in the form described, next year the elderly receiving a minimum pension would earn about 70 PLN per month, while in March this year they received less than 30 PLN.

Read also: Valuation of pensions and nothing more. Older people for the benefits must wait

Not everyone likes the idea. The experts requested by "GW" support on the one hand such support for the poorest seniors, because they will come from year to year. For others, however, it is an unfair treatment of retirees. If someone is working longer, why should he have a smaller increase than someone who has worked less? – they ask rhetorically.

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