Vesna Leszczyńska, daughter of Robert Leszczyński, gave her first interview


Vesna, age 14, eldest daughter of Robert Leszczynski (age 48), gave her first interview in a colorful magazine where she told about her relationship with her late father

The girl does not hide that she greatly regrets her father. Although she has reconciled with her death, she thinks of him every day and returns to her moments together.

Also translated from the Instagram entry, which she published just prior to the third anniversary of her father's death and in which she writes that she hates God for all the pain that she has. he inflicted.

"I am an atheist like my father" Viva ". "I have never believed in God, I went to religion in elementary school until the third year, it was said that God wants the best for us, but something did not agree with me. "

Vesna remembers My father is very happy.

"When I sleep, I often think it would be nice if my dad was near here, sitting on the edge of the bed and talking about my favorite artists. […] He m learned how to enter the roof of the building when I came to him on weekends, he let me go much more than my mother.

In particular, she went to the zoo where she bought a lot of beard to dad and balloons to helium

when we entered the farm with goats, he gave me his old tickets for the goats to eat them. (…) When my dad lived, I envied his friends that their parents are together, they go on vacation together, but when I saw what those normals looked like and how they were fighting at home, I did not see them. I came to the conclusion that I was having fun, "says Vesna

. His mother, Alicja Borkowska, reveals that she did not know Robert was suffering from diabetes. e, he wrote a book at night, he slept during the day, so the fatigue was normal for him

The journalist died on April 1, 2015. The death occurred as a result of metabolic disorders during diabetes [19659015] –

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