Vizier ads without Zygmunt Chajzer


Procter & Gamble concluded a 14-year cooperation with Zygmunt Chajzer as ambassador of the brand Vizir He appeared in ads for powders and liquids of this brand, and the latter years, he also announced Vizir Go Pods single chamber capsules. – We are extremely grateful and satisfied with the many years of incredibly successful cooperation with Zygmunt Chajzer, who has helped us to keep Vizir as one of the biggest brands in Poland over the years – says Mariola Mirek, Communications Manager at Procter & Gamble

and a well-known journalist of TVP, Polsat and TVN entertainment programs and broadcasts on Polish Radio or Radio Pogoda.

TVN featured advertising Vizir brand

the brand appeared in its place Anna Starmach, known inter alia the role of juror in the program "Masterchef" on TVN

– We are happy that we can start working with Ania, who is a demanding professional and who is very passionate about sharing with others the love of cooking. Of course, his passion, like many others, also requires great results to wash all sorts of stains that will surely appear in the meantime. We hope that together we will inspire others to discover new flavors and follow their passions, without worrying about spots – adds Mirek

C & # 39; is simply a matter of brutal age

Jacek Kotarbiński, economist and marketing expert, points out that Zygmunt Chajzer is one of the oldest "faces" on the Polish advertising market, just like Marek Kondrat in the case of ING. – While Marek Kondrat was an actor and playing in commercials is part of that profession, Zygmunt Chajzer worked perfectly as a television personality. Is this the right decision? I do not know the hypotheses of the paper, but for viewers at the level of the common perception of marketing communication, such changes are surprising – says our interlocutor. He recalls that a similar shock for the recipients was the end of the commercials of Heart and Reason or the end of the cooperation of the brand Plus (Polkomtel) with the cabaret Mumio.

However, he points out that in the communication of the mark, the data is more important than the feelings. – Meanwhile, in the privacy of corporate offices, brand managers use research and, on their basis, they conclude whether it will refresh the brand image. This is to ensure its best growth momentum. Hence the impetus for change often. Another reason is the representativeness of the brand ambassador for insight. It's just a brutal age issue – the target group in this product category is further identified with its peers. Another reason may be social evolution, better brand recognition for women's insight and better transmedia opportunities. You can speculate on the reasons, sometimes they are prosaic, for example the amount of the tax. We will probably discover the accuracy of this decision during the year when it will be time to summarize – says Kotarbiński.

Anna Starmach has been a television personality for only a few years. Mainly thanks to the jury's role in the culinary show TVN "Masterchef" and thanks to several culinary programs. Zygmunt Chajzer at the top of the television was a few years ago. Recently, we could see him as the host of the "Moment of Truth" program at Polsat in 2010. Previously, he also ran, among other things "Tout sortir" (1997-2000), "Pineapple of my class" on TVN (2001-2002).

Will Anna Starmach be a better ambassador for Chajzer? – Anna Starmach became a television personality in 2010, is associated mainly with cooking and is in the millennial generation. I think Vizir just wants to refresh the image of this kind of decision. This is not surprising, since the age range of the category has not changed drastically, but the buying behavior, lifestyle, nature of the media consumption of this group is already – [19]. ]

Marcin Kalkhoff, partner at BrandDoctor, adds: "The change in the ambassador may be caused by the decline in popularity of Chajzer, but I think I would see it change, maybe more of communication, trying to find Vizir Starmach has obvious culinary connotations, so I think we'll be watching all possible spots attracted by Vizir – comments our interlocutor.

According to Jacek Kotarbiński, the decreasing popularity of Zygmunt Chajzer does not make any difference. Perhaps it's one of the keys to Procter & Gamble's cooperation with Anna Starmach as a Vizir brand ambassador. – This can not be crucial for such a long tradition of cooperation with Vizier. Admittedly, the presence in various television productions, the popularity and positive image affect the transfer of these qualities to the credibility of the brand.However, the relationship also goes in the opposite direction – the popularity gained through advertising can translate into participation in various media projects – adds the expert. By the way, he also points out that for such a popular category of detergent products, there are many opportunities to build perfect communication. He estimates that "in recent years only Vizir has been on the run and it is difficult to compare with competitors, especially since the last outstanding battles to attract consumer attention in the category of washing powders. before 2000.

– Currently among the brands of detergents (because the powders are not so intensively promoted – their producers are now focusing mainly on the support of the laundry capsules – quite well and regularly supporting Ariel belonging to P & G or Unilever's wallet surfing .. sarcasm … Maybe Vizir has come to the conclusion that there is no mud on the grounds, and that the pilots are already growing quite so that cars do not pass in puddles? – Marcin Kalkhoff concludes:

One of the biggest advertisers in Poland [194590] 04] [19659002] Procter & Gamble is one of the biggest advertisers in Poland. According to Nielsen – based on the station's price lists – in 2017, the company spent PLN 494 million on television advertising. This data does not include discounts.

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