Volvo thanks Polish firefighters for helping to put out fires in Sweden


Volvo thanked the Polish firefighters who supported their Swedish colleagues during the July firefighting campaign in the Scandinavian country. As part of the new image campaign, the company has released a film about the work of Polish rescuers. This is part of a series of materials under the slogan: "Firefighters – thanks!".

By the time you watch this movie, 350 firefighters are participating in the action. It is possible that they save someone's life. From these words begins a moving point which has just struck the net.

Under the clip a short signature: There are almost 400,000 in Poland, are there firefighters among you?

The film evokes the Polish firefighters' mission in July which, for two weeks, helped the Swedish services to fight the huge forest fires. 140 firefighters and 44 firefighting vehicles were sent from Poland to Scandinavia.

After his return to the country, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized during the official ceremony: "We are extremely proud of your work" and thanked them for "their professionalism, their incredible perseverance, their excellent work".

Now, thanks to the Polish firefighters, Volvo. Less than four days after the video was released, they watched over 22,000. YouTube users.

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