Voters say Russia is more likely to meddle with GOP midway than Democrats


  The Russian flag is represented. | AP Photo

Forty-seven percent of respondents say that Russia would be more likely to try to help Republicans. | Misha Japaridze / AP Photo

President Donald Trump says he is "very worried" that Russia is interfering in this year's midterm elections – as part of an effort to help Democratic candidates.

But a new poll POLITICO / Morning Consult shows that very few voters are in agreement. 52% say it's a bit unlikely – only 13% say Russia would be more likely to try to help Democrats win.

Continuation of following history

Nearly four times more voters, 47%, declare that Russia The poll took place on the field from 19 to 23 July, after the meeting of Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland, but before Trump hints that Russia – whose US officials concluded Uded attempted to help Trump's election in 2016 – would work to help candidates of the Democratic Party this fall.

"I am very concerned that Russia will fight very hard to have an impact on the next election [e]," wrote Trump on Tuesday . "Based on the fact that no resident of [p] has been harder with Russia than me, they will push very hard for the Democrats.They do not want Trump at all!"

The survey focused on Russia's attempts to influence the election results – in 2016 and in the next two elections – but did not explore the specific ways that individuals affiliated with the Russian government could interfere.

Federal prosecutors working for Robert Mueller, the special advocate, laid charges earlier this month against 12 Russians allegedly involved in piracy of Democratic Party documents and reportedly working to disseminate them. This effort was apparently aimed at hurting Democratic candidates, although US officials point out that the hacking attempts of the election administrators did not result in changing the vote totals.

Putin denied the participation of Russia. He wanted Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton.

With regard to the upcoming presidential election in 2020, the figures are similar: 53% of voters say that it is likely that Russia will try to influence the race, and many more people. voters declare to involve him to help Trump (47%) against the president's opponents (12%).

Trump was criticized last week after criticizing little Putin at a joint press conference with the Russian leader after their meeting. A weight equal to Putin's denials that his government had mingled with the 2016 elections as the US government's assertion that the Russians were involved. The next day, Trump tried to backtrack, saying that he was misquoted at the press conference.

Asked about the influence of Russia on the results of the last presidential election, a growing number of voters think that Russia has influenced the results (42%). (35 percent), the poll shows. But nearly a quarter of voters, 23%, do not have any opinion.

When asked whether Russia tried to influence the election, a 56% majority claimed. Only 21% of voters think that Russia has not sought to influence the election results of 2016.

Voters are divided on the Trump-Putin summit: 37% describe it as a success, while 36% say it's not "

Trump's ratings for the summit are slightly lower: only 26% of voters say it gave them a more favorable view of Trump, versus 34% who said it gave them a less favorable view [19659004] Voters, 25 percent, say that they have a lot of confidence in Trump to handle the threats posed by Russia. Another 18 percent said they have some confidence, while 45 percent do not have much confidence or confidence from the president with respect to Russia.

Tyler Sinclair, chief executive of Morning Consult, said that Trump when it comes to Russia has declined – especially among the presidential election base.

"The GOP's confidence in the president to handle the Russian aggression dropped significantly amid conflicting messages from the White House". "Two weeks ago, 58% of Republicans said that they had a lot of confidence in Trump's ability to handle these threats, compared with 49% who said the same thing today."

Despite this, the meeting did not have an immediate effect on the overall assessment of Trump's work. Forty-five percent of voters approve of Trump's job performance, virtually unchanged from 44% last week. A slight majority, 51 percent, disapproved

The poll POLITICO / Morning Consult polled 1,996 registered voters and has an error margin of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Morning Consult is a non-partisan media and technology company that provides data-driven research and ideas on politics, politics, and business strategy

More details about the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents – Toplines: https: // bit. ly / 2Loepa0 | Cross-tabulations:

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