Wage growth in Poland in 2019


The increase in earnings is attributable to two factors: the low unemployment rate and the limited availability of employees.

According to forecasts by the European Commission, unemployment is expected to decrease in 2019 in Europe. The lowest will be in the Czech Republic (2.5%), Poland (2.9%) and Germany (3.2%).

According to salary.pl, the EU's forecast for wage growth is also positive. The nominal value, ie before inflation, is as follows (top 5):

– Czech Republic – 7.8%

– Lithuania – 7.7%

– Bulgaria – 7.6%

– Poland – 7 percent

– Romania – 6.7%

After taking into account inflation, these values ​​are as follows:

– Czech Republic – 5.5%

– Lithuania – 5.1%

– Bulgaria – 5.4%

– Poland – 4.5%

– Romania – 3.1%

Our local forecasts are also promising. The NBP expects the wage increase in 2019 to reach 6.8%. The Ministry of Finance's expectations are slightly lower: an increase of 5.6%. in the national economy and 6.1%. in the business sector. In turn, the Sedlak & Sedlak salary report for 2018 assumes that the planned increases will rise to about 5%.

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Author: as above

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