Walesa writes a letter to Jagger. Comment by Brudzinski: How it can help you – Kim Kardiashian will write – Polityka – all about politics in


I think that for Julio Iglesias and who knows how to start Mr. Wałęsa, maybe Kim Kardiashian will tell himself. In this "intellectualist" she will certainly find understanding and admiration, unlike this "ungrateful" Oriana Fallaci, she will not call him a jester and ignorant – he wrote on his Twitter Minister of Home Affairs and the # 39; administration.

The former president did not pay him his debt and also responded to the comment.

Mr. Brudzinski, you quote the troll that I blocked. I do not write "Iglesias" and "Iglesias". President of the Sejm and does not know the varieties. And as for Mr Orange Fallaci, it is neither you nor your prycynpal that such wonderful interviews do not arrive – writes Wałęsa (original spelling – editorial)

Brudzinski in another post thanked for comments on the good variety of names Stars of the Spanish scene. I inform you that I have made a mistake also on behalf of the star Kardashian, I think it's important because, as I suppose, will you also send them your letters? – he wrote. He pointed out that he often rests in Florida, where "retirees definitely listen to Julio Iglesias".

This is an entry that Saturday on Facebook was held by former President Lech Wałęsa.

We ask your attention, keeping in mind the exceptional and courageous people who fought for freedom in the Eastern Bloc. These people a lot
they sacrificed for freedom of speech and art. They understood that for the defense of freedom
the courts must be independent. It was one of the important goals of their fight.
You knew such people, Vaclav Havel was one of them
– he wrote on the eve of
Rolling Stones. – Today, the fruits of their labor are in danger – added.

In the following part of the letter, the President stresses that power in Poland
"wants to destroy the independence of the courts" first by taking the court
Constitution, and now against the constitution, the release of the judges of the Court
From the Supreme, "to introduce a puppet."

Many people in Poland defend freedom, but they need support. if
you can say or do anything in Poland, it will be
they really mean a lot
– he appealed to members of the group
Lech Wałęsa

The Rolling Stones will perform Sunday at the PGE National Stadium in
Warsaw as part of the European tour "Stones – No Filter". concert
will be the fourth appearance of Stones in Poland. The last time the band played
our country in 2007. Earlier, he appeared in the Silesian stadium in 1998
in Chorzów and in 1967 to two concerts in the Sala Kongresowa
Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.

The legendary rock band The Rolling Stones was founded in 1962 with
The initiative of Brian Jones, fire leader and guitarist.
The first official representation of the group consisting of: Jagger, Jones, Richards,
Taylor and Stewart (with the support of Mick Avory on drums) were held at
July 1962 at the London Marquee Club. They played as "The Rollin"
Stones. "Soon Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman have joined the team, and with
The apostrophe has disappeared.

Their first album, released in 1964, gained immense popularity in
Britain In 1965, their American success came to an end
the road during which the iconic coup was made "(I can not get no)
Satisfaction. "

In 1968, they recorded the scandalous song" Sympathy For The Devil ".
the next world tour of concerts took place in the early 1970s.
In 1975, Ron Taylor's place in the team was taken by Ronnie Wood. Six years
later, the band recorded the album "Tattoo You" with the tube "Start Me Up".

In 1986, The Rolling Stones received the Grammy Award for the ensemble
creativity, and three years later they were admitted to Rock and Roll Hall
Renowned. In 2001, Mick Jagger was knighted by the Queen
Elbieta II.

The last studio album of the band "Blue & Lonesome" was released in December 2016

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