Warm weather the first day of August. Even 35 degrees


Wednesday's weather promises to be as hot as it is before. After a very hot night, the day will start to be sunny and warm in most of the country. At the beginning of the afternoon, temperatures will reach maximum values ​​- around 30 degrees in most parts of Poland. It will be even warmer in the west. In the province The thermometers Lubuskie and Dolnośląskie can reach 35 degrees Celsius. Only on the coast and in the mountains will be around 25-27 degrees.The rain will last until the evening.

In the second half of the day, showers and showers may appear in the center and in the south-east of the country. The weak wind from the east will blow all day. The IMGW issued warnings for heat for the whole country. In connection with the heat of the biomass, it will be unfavorable – it results from the forecast on pogodynka.pl.

 Weather in Poland Weather in Poland Fig. Gazeta.pl

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