Warsaw: 76th anniversary of the liquidation of the ghetto. The streets will pass the "March of Remembrance on July 22" – News


The walk will start at 17:00 at Umschlagplatz in Stawki Rogus Dzika Street and will end around 18:00 in front of the Jewish Historical Institute.

Jolanta Hercog, Deputy Director of Strategic Management at the Institute, points out that this year's march is dedicated to characters Szmula Zygielbojma, a Bund activist, who has unsuccessfully alerted the public about massacres of Jews in occupied Poland. In opposition to the indifference of the world and solidarity with the insurgents who die in the ghetto, he committed suicide on the night of May 11 to 12, 1943.

Jolanta Hercog adds that the March of Remembrance will be accompanied by a ribbon campaign. The participants in the event, as in previous years, will wear the symbolic Ribbon of Remembrance with the names of murdered Warsaw Jews. On July 22, 1942, the Germans begin the deportation of the inhabitants of the largest ghetto in Poland, the Warsaw ghetto. In two months, more than three hundred thousand people of Jewish origin were deported to Treblinka and murdered. The Germans left 35,000 residents physically fit to work for the invader in the ghetto. On April 19, 1943, the Jews decided to fight for the honor and a decent death with weapons in their hands. After more than a month of fighting, the uprising was suppressed.

The March organized since 2012 evokes the memory of thousands of victims of German terror who died during the existence of the ghetto, during the uprising and the liquidation actions. More details on walking on the site: jhi.pl and on Facebook.


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