Warsaw as Naples. "We are threatened with paralysis of junk food"


Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk accuses the capital's authorities of negligence. There is an unresolved call for tenders for waste disposal and current contracts end on January 1st. "We are threatened with garbage paralysis, Warsaw is perhaps the second Naples in terms of waste destruction," warned the environment minister. In turn, the city accuses the minister of closing new facilities to collect waste from the capital.

Minister Kowalczyk recalled that, starting in the new year in the capital, the new junk mail system would come into effect, in accordance with the July 2017 regulations. In this case, the city issued a call for tenders for collection and management of waste. The companies appealed against him and the National Board of Appeal admitted them.

Therefore, it is still unclear who will pick up the waste of the Varsovians after the New Year. On December 4, the city will open public offers. We will have very little time to resolve the issue, especially considering that it is a revolution: collecting five waste fractions instead of three (wet waste, separate waste). and glass), container replacement and new collection schedules. The city is preparing an emergency plan, waiting for settlements, as long as no bin is left in the kiosks.

You will have to throw garbage in these containers. You will have to follow this division, which is currently in the same belvedere – says the vice president of the capital, Michał Olszewski. The Environment Minister claims however that by omitting the city hall, the city risks being flooded with garbage.

We are threatened with garbage paralysis, Warsaw is perhaps the second Naples with regard to the collapse of waste – warns Kowalczyk. According to ministry officials, there is a real threat that a call for bids on waste in Warsaw will not be resolved or that winning companies can not prepare for the new collection rules in a month . The Minister of the Environment estimated that it was likely that in case of problem with the call for tenders, the capital authorities entrust the need to organize a new system for the Municipal Cleansing Company (DFO) under the so-called internal procedures. Kowalczyk, however, referred to the summer situation in Warsaw's Mokotów district, where DFO resumed garbage collection in Lekaro. The minister pointed out that in many places the waste remained in the heat for more than two weeks, creating a health risk. According to the ministry, this situation raises fears that DFO will be ready to collect waste from all over the city.

The ministry accuses the city and the city of the ministry. According to Vice President Olszewski, the minister has contributed to the current situation by revoking the authorization to operate other waste recycling facilities.

The minister uses every little argument to close the facility – says Olszewski. Olszewski also said the current regulations (starting in 2017) will not result in a significant increase in the level of waste recycling, but will certainly increase costs, which will affect residents.

The largest facility – the collection of one third of Warsaw waste will be closed at the end of January! Because it does not meet the conditions and that Mazowsze is the only one not to have a waste management plan in the voivodeship – Kowalczyk replies.


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