Warsaw city councilor goes to PiS club and supports Patryk Jakiego


– I go to the Law and Justice Club of the Civic Platform for several reasons, but one of the most important reasons is that I can not accept Rafał Trzaskowski – the counselor told reporters.

The PiS candidate was present at the briefing Patryk Jaki, president of the capital, supported by the advisor. – I would like to thank you for this courageous gesture. It's not easy to say today just "stop" the mafia reprivatization, a powerful mafia. Today, the councilor had the courage to say that she wanted a fair Warsaw – said Jaki – I appeal to all the Varsovians: let's fight together so that the capital is honest and modern, so that the Capital finally ceases to be so often associated with illegal extortion of housing, and began to be associated with what should always be associated, that is, gigantic potential – added the candidate PiS.

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